In other news, Timmy will be having an MRI done of his spine and brain this Friday at around 11:30am. The doctors were planning on doing an MRI of his spine anyway and the brain was added when we got news of his actual diagnosis (Opitz G/BBB). The geneticist doctors at Nationwide Children's hospital in Columbus said that an MRI of his brain might yield different or more specific results than the ultrasound of his brain that they took during his first month of life. We are hoping that everything is normal although with my friend Timmy I think we can expect to expect the para-normal :)
In other news, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is released in theaters on July 15 2011.
In other news, it is past 11pm and this little moose is totally tuckered. This is Mortimer signing off.
Mortimer, you crack me up. Yay for Tummy slurping up that delicious milk!